Do’s and Dont’s of Legal Separation

Kent Tierney

Individuals experiencing marital struggles might opt to enter an agreement known as legal separation. That said, there are certain actions that should be executed and avoided when formalizing this arrangement. The Tierney Law Group, family law attorneys in Livermore CA invite prospective clients to read the following brief blog discussing the legal separation concept and certain reputable actions those who enter said agreement should and should not take.

During legal separation, the couple in question remain legally married but do not live together. In addition, the separating parties must resolve certain legal, financial and personal matters such as new living arrangements for the departing spouse, child custody and child support arrangements and asset and debt division.

Appropriate Actions To Execute:

Encourage Communication

The parting partners are strongly urged to make their separation as amicable as possible. Accomplishing this task requires both parties to be honest, open and willing to work together.

Manage Money Matters Widely

Once separation becomes official, each spouse becomes a one income family and disposable cash reserves might be far more limited than before. That said, each party will still have bills to pay and responsibilities to meet. Ergo, learning to be thrifty could prevent financial hardships.

Actions That Should Be Avoided:

Prolonging The Separation

A legal separation typically occurs for a given duration and should serve as a “cooling off period” in which couples can decide how they wish to proceed. Legal experts recommend not extending this arrangement any longer than it should be. If it becomes apparent that the best course of action should be to formalize a divorce, delaying the inevitable hurts all concerned parties.

Talking Ill Of One’s Partner

Parted spouses should refrain from badmouthing the other in public forums like social media. Engaging in such action makes the perpetrator look bad and could have a profound impact upon their personal and financial standing should separation turn to divorce.

Contacting Us

If you believe a legal separation would best serve your interests, please contact the Tierney Law Group. Our team of family law attorneys in Livermore CA can help you perform important functions like identifying important issues and might even be able to help negotiate an amicable agreement between you and your spouse. For further information about our firm, please visit

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