As anyone who’s gone through a divorce can tell you, the process is rarely easy. Tensions run high, and couples often make poor decisions in the heat of the moment. Given the mountain of financial, practical and emotional details that have to be sorted, it’s…
What is the Difference Between Community and Separate Property During Marriage? When you get married, you agree to share more than just your feelings — you also share property with your spouse. But when you divorce, what property must you share and what remains your…
Unlawful Detainer Stay of Execution Due to Hardship In California, a landlord who wins an eviction case (unlawful detainer) and receives a judgment for possession of the property must act immediately to enforce the judgment by obtaining a Writ of Possession. Depending on county sheriff…
This article discusses Property Owners and Liability for Injuries Not on Their Property. All owners of real estate in California are at risk for being liable for injuries that occur on their premises or property. When an owner has possession or control of the property,…
The potential tax trouble for a divorcing woman primarily lies in filing a joint return with your husband. It could be dangerous financially, because if it should come to light later that taxes have been underpaid, it won’t matter to the IRS which of you…
CALIFORNIA SUPREME COURT CLARIFIES THE FIDUCIARY DUTY OF SELLER’S AGENT IN DUAL AGENCY TRANSACTIONS In 2014, California Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 1171 requiring real estate brokers and their salespeople to disclose when they are acting as dual agents (representing both sides in a…
In the state with some of the strictest tobacco regulations in the country, legalization of marijuana has California lawmakers pondering over how to treat the illicit substance. A bill from Assemblyman Jim Wood (D-Healdsburg) referenced a 2011 law that permitted landlords to prohibit the smoking…
California tenants have a new arrow in their quiver: a law to protect them from being unfairly placed on rental blacklists that jeopardize their credit ratings and shut them out of the housing market. Signed this week by Gov. Jerry Brown, the measure is scheduled…
You may believe you don’t need (or want!) a lawyer unless you’re involved in a lawsuit. Actually, attorneys can help with more than just lawsuits. There are many instances in which spending a few minutes with an attorney can go a long way. Here are…
Date of Separation in California Fixed by Senate Bill 1255 Senate Bill 1255, authored bySenator John Moorlach(R-Costa Mesa), was signed into law by Governor Brown on July 25, 2016 and will be effective on January 1, 2017. Senate Bill 1255 was a prompt and rapid…